Ashley Hall Live Aboard Program: Miscellaneous Logs

Charleston, SC

Ship’s Log written by A Watch, B Watch, C Watch, and Deckhand Educator Hanna Hallendorff

March 26, 2024

"Hi, Mom and Dad! I am having so much fun on OLP! After having a rocky start with seasickness and placing 1st in Caroline's puke tally, I have gotten much more adjusted to the boat and am having so much fun! It's so nice here and so sunny (so you can tell Evie I have been getting tan) and I have learned so much about Navigation, steering the boat, and how the sails work! We are currently in the Great Bahama Channel and are passing by y'all right now. The captain told me he was concerned with my driving skills after the first time on the helm, but apparently I have gotten better. Can't wait to see you back in CHS!

-Sadie - A Watch

Hi Mom and Dad! It's been super sunny here and I've gotten a little burnt but it's healing. I took a bucket bath yesterday and went aloft today. Today we have a total of 12 hours on watch so I'm pretty tired, but excited to sleep for 7 1/2 hours straight tonight. See y'all soon!

-Kennedy - A Watch

Hi! It's currently 20:23. We are on watch until midnight. I kind of like the night watches because we can see all the stars! Earlier todat I went aloft! I got to. Climb up to the tip top of the boat and look out on the water. I also went out on the headrig as the sun was rising. It was so pretty! Being on the headrig feels like a roller coaster, so fun! We are currently heading through the Bahama Channel and will see Florida in a few days! I'm having so much fun! See you soon!

-Clara - A Watch

Hello everyone at home! The days have been going by quickly now since everyone has gotten over their seasickness and my students in A watch have started to really get into the swing of standing watch. The night watches are always filled with silly conversations, everything from 45 foot sen worms to who would survive the longest on Survivor is discussed in great detail. The day time watches sometimes even pass slower than the night time ones. Yesterday most of the students in A watch decided that it was the best day of the trip so far and I sure do agree! We read ghost stories, watched the sun rise, got a lot of rest and held a fun-fact-filled almanac where we gathered everyone on the ship to discuss the plans for the next days. Looking forward to the days to come.

-Hanna (A watch deckhand)

Hello Charleston! These past few days have been a blast! I've gone out on the headrig and have gone aloft - they were both so fun and I loved the views. I was just on helm where I saw the Big Dipper and bioluminescence. I'm having so much fun.

-Garnet - A Watch

Hey Guys! I am currently on my 8 pm - 12 am watch and thriving after having a slice of the cook's delicious banana bread! Even though I usually don't like bananas, this hit the spot! Yum! :P i just got off lookout and was admiring the beautiful stars, sparkling bioluminescence, and the rising moon - I also went aloft today which means I went all the way to the top of the boat's mast and the view was spectacular! I've been having so so much fun and I miss y'all!

-Elizabeth - A Watch

March 30, 2024

Man this has been fun! Between watching the sunrise and sunset, munching on midrats, and catching fish, I can't decide what has been my favorite part. Earlier tonight after the most beautiful sunset we watched a rocket launch out of Florida. It was so so cool! I'm sad that our trip is coming to an end here soon but I'm also super stoked to be in my own bed at home with the Fam.

Lot's of love,

-Gates (B Watch)

This has been such a special and unique experience. It was been crazy. Tonight we saw our 3rd rocket launch from Florida and A watch caught a massive fish and there has been lots of other excitement. We are finishing up our 8 pm - 12 am watch with lots of laughs and a mac & cheese night. I'm very excited to be home and see everyone I love.


-Kylie (B Watch)

April 1, 2024

Hello! C Watch is currently preparing for the Schooner Olympics! We're reviewing all the knots, pins, and finished our flag and chant earlier today. I designed the flag and then everyone in our watch helped decorate it. It looks so so good (clearly got your graphic design skills, mom). Now as the hours are counting down 'til our arrival home, everything is a bit bittersweet. I feel like I've grown a lot, and it's been special to see my peers grow as well. I also feel as if I've just gotten acclimated to this boat life of waking up at odd hours and never feeling seasick, so I'm sad to leave this experience and the people I've met and learned about. I don't know if I would do this again, but I would do anything to be able to stay on this boat right now. See y'all soon, and don't worry, I do miss y'all.

-Faye (C Watch)


Yard Update!


Ashley Hall Live Aboard Program Day 9, 10